I knew I would be really bad at the "finishing the blog I started" part. At the gentle nudge of a friend I was reminded of why I began blogging again in the first place.
I have been home from Guatemala for 11 days. The adjustment process has worn off and "real life" has set in once again. (Even though Immanuel Kant would argue none of it is "real," but rather "that which I perceive" is only real to me thus making my experience on this earth a reflection of things I perceive them to be...but that is neither here nor there). Back to trip reflection...
Generally once I settle back in from a mission trip it is often my heart that arrives on a flight a few days later. A piece of me always gets left behind. This trip to Guatemala was eye opening and a great spiritual marker for me, but the moment the plane landed in Miami, my heart was here with it. I credit that to 2 things:
1. My Marriage
2. My Heart for the Local Church
Both of these things remind me I am right where I need to be. God has blessed me beyond reason. I have a wonderful wife, whose birthday is tomorrow, and I serve a wonderful God at a wonderful church of wonderful people. Maybe I have finally learned the virtue of contentment. Maybe God has given my heart a reason to rest. Either way, I am reminded that Jesus is enough. It has taken a long time to say that from a content heart.
Jesus is enough.
I can finally stop chasing the next "spiritual duty" to replace the massive void in my chest. I can finally begin to serve out of gratitude and humble peace, rather than from a warped since of duty and works that do not bring about belonging in the Kingdom of God.
So what about you? Would you characterize yourself as "content?"